Solutions that make your Business Succeed.

Our Knowledge, Expertise working with international network enables us to offer a multitude of services to manage commercial functions be it for Manufacturing, Trading or for after Market Services including warranty replacement, and moreover our ability comprising overland, ocean and global air freight forwarding makes crossing Borders efficient, Fast and managed to keep commitments are achieved.

Being a responsible corporate citizen, Indelox supports to protect the environment and also endeavors to act to the benefit of society at large

Corporations globally are facing a new imperative: to address the present generation’s needs while preserving the ability of future generations to meet their own. The corporate landscape is undergoing a profound shift, necessitating businesses to acknowledge and mitigate their impact on society and the environment. Conventional business practices are no longer viable. Long-term success now hinges on companies actively protecting their reputations, responsibly sourcing essential resources for the future, and prioritizing the well-being and productivity of their employees.

In this evolving landscape, corporate entities in India are now called upon to embrace sustainability practices and take decisive measures to conserve nature and the environment.

Wearhouse truck

Environment & Social Responsibility

As a conscientious corporate entity, Indelox actively upholds its commitment to environmental preservation and strives to make a positive impact on society as a whole. Indelox deliberately pursues business endeavors that do not pose direct threats to the environment or society. The formulation of policies is guided by the company’s dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen. While the pursuit of profits is integral to enhancing shareholder value, the company also ingrains a commitment to business sustainability and ethical practices as fundamental aspects of its operations.

In recognition of global environmental challenges, Indelox’s sustainability initiatives contribute to both society and the environment, creating a mutually beneficial scenario. The company promotes a culture where employees are encouraged to actively consider ways to minimize energy and utility consumption.

E-waste Management at Indelox

E-waste Management

At Indelox, we hold the conviction that conducting business carries a responsibility to contribute positively to our environment and the planet. This commitment is reflected in our dedication to delivering innovative and environmentally friendly products to our consumers. We take on the responsibility of product stewardship throughout the life cycle of electronic products and diligently adhere to e-waste regulations in India.

About E-Waste

E-Waste is defined as discarded electrical and electronic equipment, including rejects from manufacturing and repair processes, intended for disposal. Essentially, it refers to old or end-of-life appliances that run on electricity. The proliferation of electrical and electronic devices such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, washing machines, refrigerators, and air conditioners has led to a significant increase in the generation of e-waste. This category of waste typically contains hazardous substances that pose environmental risks and can adversely impact human health.

The E-Waste (Management) Rules of 2016 aim to address the escalating e-waste issue by directing the generated waste toward environmentally sustainable recycling methods. The unorganized sector, often employing crude practices, has historically dominated this sector, resulting in heightened pollution, lower recovery rates, and the squandering of valuable resources, leading to environmental damage.

Indelox, as a participant in the importation of electronic goods, limits its role to providing these goods to end users, consumers, and bulk consumers. In alignment with this responsibility, Indelox commits to compliance by establishing facilities for the collection of e-waste and ensuring its safe transportation to designated recyclers.

Additionally, Indelox has taken proactive measures to raise awareness among clients and other relevant individuals regarding the E-Waste Rules. This effort aims to encourage their participation in the government’s initiative for environmentally sound e-waste management.

Extended Producers Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) stands as a pivotal aspect of the E-Waste (Management and Handling) Rules of 2016. Under this framework, the producer of electrical and electronic equipment assumes the responsibility for managing such equipment after it reaches its ‘end-of-life’ stage, placing accountability on the producer for their products once consumers discard them.

In alignment with this commitment, Indelox is dedicated to fostering awareness among its consumers regarding the proper management of e-waste, emphasizing environmental protection, and urging adherence to recycling and take-back processes for end-of-life products.

As a responsible ‘producer,’ Indelox will undertake the following measures

  • Collect and channelize e-waste generated during the repair activity and the ‘end-of-life’ phase of the product
  • Disseminate comprehensive awareness through publications and informational outreach.
  • Obtain the necessary authorization from the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Central Pollution Control Board (CC).
  • Maintain meticulous records and submit annual returns, ensuring transparency and accountability in the management of e-waste.
Know more about collection, Storage and disposal of E-Waste